Announcing our 2021 Advocacy Priorities

A partnership of cross-sector community groups aligned to create more integrated and equitable investment in children’s success from birth through careers, the Cradle to Career Network will seek to strengthen the education continuum for all students by advocating for the following priorities in the 2021 Legislative Session:

Invest in thriving communities by supporting family childcare needs.

Making childcare more affordable, available, accessible, and culturally appropriate provides greater economic opportunity for working parents and promotes resiliency in children as they transition from home to new social, cultural, and educational settings outside their homes.

Supporting working parents and the resiliency of their children – both of which are key to building vibrant, flourishing communities – means creating more options that are available, accessible, appropriate, and affordable for their families.

Safeguard funding for holistic programs that support children outside their K-12 experience.

Ensuring that all neighborhoods have safe and healthy places for children and families to thrive and grow is especially critical to children’s social and emotional development through the disruptions, disconnection, and trauma brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ensuring that no kids fall through the cracks during the pandemic and beyond means supporting and growing programs that provide these holistic, whole-child support for some of our state’s most vulnerable students.