Category: Uncategorized
Sharing Power for Systems Change
“The focus for change is the system. The agent of change is the individual.” – Mary Beth O’Neil
This quote is meaningful because in its simplicity, it describes the work of Eastside Pathways Partnership.
Creating Kitsap’s Future Together
Many of the experiences and learning opportunities that shape a child’s life occur outside of the classroom in our communities. Science tells us that children develop the capabilities they need to overcome challenges through connections with caring and competent adults.
Building Hope in Spokane Through Collective Impact
The ZoNE at the Northeast Community Center is built on strong partnerships. This coalition has gathered and distributed over 2,000 toiletry/cleaning supplies and distributed over 3,000 face masks. And these numbers don’t include the coordination of large-scale food distributions at the NE Community Center, delivery of school meals to families, and other community food efforts.
Centering Youth in Policy and Decision-Making
The continuum of education is a pathway that can be filled with opportunity — or one that can perpetuate learning challenges. Heritage University’s Cradle to Career community is exploring what is possible when we center children and youth in policy and decision-making.
Announcing our 2021 Advocacy Priorities
A partnership of cross-sector community groups aligned to create more integrated and equitable investment in children’s success from birth through careers, the Cradle to Career Network will seek to strengthen the education continuum for all students by advocating for the following priorities in the 2021 Legislative Session: Invest in thriving communities by supporting family childcare… Continue reading Announcing our 2021 Advocacy Priorities